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Eastside High School Band and Chorus Renovations

  • Project Owner: School Board of Alachua County
  • Location: Gainesville FL
  • Completion Date: August 2022
  • Partners: Brame Heck

Renovated Rooms for the Rams

Eastside High School has a long and storied band and chorus tradition, and now their practice and rehearsal rooms have been renovated to reflect the importance of the programs. Brame Heck Architects was hired to redesign the interiors and worked to bring the pride of the program to life. One of the most impactful changes in the band room’s reconfiguring was removing the risers. The floor is now all on one level. Three small practice rooms are now combined into one larger space. In addition, ceilings, lighting, and flooring were all replaced, and the rooms received new paint to reflect the Eastside Rams’ branding.

Modifications to the acoustical engineering of the areas were also done. Adding a soffit to the ceilings will address some of the existing mechanical noise. The addition of sound gaskets on the practice room doors and specific acoustical treatments will improve the sound overall.

The choral room received similar treatment, except risers remained, and the practice rooms were not combined. The renovations spilled out of the band and choral rooms and allowed for new ceilings, lighting, and paint in the hallway and the uniform storage room.