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Scorpio Supports Careers in Construction Month

At Scorpio, the buildings we make are only the beginning. We search for ways to support our community and avenues to build the next generation of our workforce. This is why we proudly participate in the awareness campaign during October, nationally recognized as Careers in Construction Month. With an impending critical shortage of skilled professionals, now is the time to invest in the hard-working men and women who will build the future.

Scorpio is excited to join 28 other states taking part in this nationwide campaign. Locally, we will continue to carefully consider the impact we can have on our surrounding communities by visiting schools to promote careers and sharing stories about leaders in the industry within our own walls. Small efforts now can often deliver a large return on investment later.

Florida is predicted to have one of the highest demands for craft labor with an estimated 473,065 job opportunities created within the industry by August of 2021. This number places Florida second in the nation only behind Texas. Raising awareness and taking part in workforce development allows us to join with organizations like Build Your Future as catalysts for our industry’s future.

By taking the time to support and motivate our youth we can educate and showcase the opportunities for a successful career as a craft professional. This month-long observance is just one way Scorpio plants to be proactive in addressing Florida’s shortage of skilled workers. We hope others will take up the call and join us in this endeavor. When it comes to workforce development, in the end, we all win.

“Everything in the economy begins with construction. We don’t have roads. We don’t have schools… None of it exists without skilled craft professionals. It is critically important that we promote these careers.” –

        Tim Johnson, Founder & President of the TJC Group